Ryan North


Ryan North, a lifelong East Belfast resident, has embraced a range of roles from the motor trade to catering, demonstrating his versatility and commitment to community engagement. Currently thriving in the city’s busiest leisure centre, Ryan’s dedication extends beyond his professional life into his passion for automotive photography, allowing him to connect with diverse individuals across Northern Ireland, Ireland, and Great Britain. A staunch advocate for breaking the political duopoly of the DUP and Sinn Féin, Ryan champions a socially libertarian approach with NI People, seeking a prosperous, inclusive Northern Ireland. He envisions a society with minimal government interference, advocating for decentralisation to empower local communities. Critical of government waste and the strain it places on essential services, Ryan promotes free speech and champions policies aimed at reducing government excess, ensuring that Northern Ireland thrives through pragmatic governance and local empowerment.

Ryans Main Policies

  1. Decentralise the main government of Westminster, putting more control at the local level. Further decentralise from Stormont within Northern Ireland.
  2. Scrap the Department of Infrastructure in Northern Ireland as they are a shambolic organisation.
  3. Advocate for scrapping the Net Zero policy as it’s unworkable and will cost the public billions, all for nothing, while massive countries such as India and China make gains but gradually shift to cleaner energy where possible.
  4. Scrap any and all policies that infringe on Free Speech and call for a reformation of PSNI policing on freedom of speech and minor infringements in society (minor speeding offences).
  5. Halt immigration temporarily to NI where possible and advocate for the introduction of an Australian points-based immigration system, and actually implement it. We live on a small land mass, and in particular, the traffic in Belfast and Dublin is unbelievable due to the rapid increase in immigration.
  6. Further to the immigration point, any migrant who has committed a serious crime should, as a first port of call, be deported instead of imprisoned. We have an overflowing prison population, so criminals who commit serious crimes often get light sentences now, which in turn further fuels criminality.
  7. The prison system should also focus more on rehabilitation for those who need it rather than punishment (with exceptional circumstances depending on the offence).
  8. Raise the Motorway speed limit by 10 mph and national roads, single or dual carriageway, by 5 mph, including the abolishment of the 40 mph limit for lorries on a single carriageway; this will increase to 50 mph on single carriageways and 60 mph on some single carriageways, such as the Glenshane Road.
  9. Cut military spending; we don’t need to be advocates for far-off wars sending young men to die for a cause that doesn’t at all involve us. We should have more spending at home and help those veterans who already have trauma from previous conflicts. Military spending recently has been used in “woke” campaigns, which has stifled natural recruitment. It’s feasible to reduce spending while driving natural recruitment.
  10. Ban white LED lighting and change all white LED lighting already in use to healthy orange or yellow light. White LED lighting is harsh for many people and also disrupts the natural wildlife, as we recently saw with the Starlings disappearing for nearly a decade over the Albertbridge in Belfast; they are only back recently after the lighting was turned off.